December 24, 2021
Dear Alumni of NTU School of Pharmacy in North America,
Time flies, Year 2021 is drawing to a close. Even though challenges continued this year as all of us
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December 24, 2021 Dear Alumni of NTU School of Pharmacy in North America, Greetings! Time flies, Year 2021 is drawing to a close. Even though challenges continued this year as all of us 國立臺灣大學藥學專業學院藥物研究中心誠徵主任 一、依據:國立臺灣大學醫學院藥學專業學院藥物研究中心主任遴選 辦法及遴選委員會第一次會議核定。 二、起聘日期:民國 104 年 8 月 1 日。 三、資格:國內外醫藥相關科系副教授(含)以上,具藥物研發經驗及 領導能力者。 四、檢附文件: 1. 國內外相關學門副教授以上三人之推薦函。 2. 個人履歷(榮譽、教學、研究、服務資料及重要論文著作目錄)。 3. 未來擔任主任之理念與抱負。 五、申請文件截止時間:民國 104 年 5 月 11 日下午 5 時前送達。 10050 Dear all,
In order to promote networking and celebrate the 60th anniversary of NTUSP, the NTUSPAA-NA Board will waive the TOUR fee (USD $269.00) for each NTUSP alumnus who joins the 2013 Reunion Tour of Bryce Canyon/Grand Canyon from June 29 through July 3. Please do take this opportunity to enjoy this benefit as an alumnus, and bring your family members, friends, and colleagues Dear Alumni, I hope this message find you and your family well. I have several happy news to share with you. First, the preparation for NTUSP's 60th anniversary is well underway. Attached you will find a detailed description of the planned events (60th anniversary), starting now and spanning through November 2013. You should have already heard from your class representative for activities and reunions specific to your… Read More on Greetings from your NTUSPAA-NA President 新的系主任遴選完畢,同時於8/1就職. 請見 系主任 顧記華34屆校友就任 校友會為了宣告藥學系新的系主任上任,以及感恩李水盛前主任.辦茶會,給年輕人鼓勵,打氣! 所以,學長姐回來慶賀,意義非凡! 北美校友會湯會長準備二棵大樹祝賀,讓藥學系茁壯! 以上報告 學妹 宋順蓮class of 1982(26) Please Dr. Jane Hsiao was invited to give a Distinguished Lecture at College of Pharmacy Ohio State University. For detail, please view the flyer. Click here for: The Flyer and Bio |
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